Collaborative Farming Quiz

Welcome to our collaborative farming quiz!

This quiz is designed to help you narrow down which models of collaboration might best fit your needs as a farmer. Don’t overthink it, and remember that there are endless different ways for collaboration to happen—perhaps you’ll even invent a new one of your own!

How would you rank your experience level working in collaboration with others? Beginner
Some Experience
Lots of experience

Are you interested in collaborating to start a farm entity or to enhance operations of an existing farm? Start a farm entity
Enhance operations of existing farm

Are you interested in sharing ownership of a farm? Yes
No, I would prefer to run my own individual farm business and collaborate in other ways

Are you interested in sharing land or farming in proximity with others? Yes

To what extent are you interested in pursuing a farm project that involves consistent, day-to-day collaboration? Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested

In what area(s) are you interested in collaborating with others? Choose up to 2. (Choose from 1 to 2) Marketing and selling my products
Accessing land
Running a farm business
Purchasing and sharing resources
Hiring labor

In what area are you hoping collaboration will most help you in your endeavors? Save time
Access resources and inputs
Build community